MIRROR - Face to face 2020
Italian and Serbian Artists exhibition
Villa Caldogno, piano nobile
Saturday, 5th June, 18:00
Villa Caldogno, seminterrato - Via Zanella, 3 - CALDOGNO (VI)
From 5th June to 4 July 2021
Friday 15:00 - 18:00
Saturday and Sunday 9:00 - 12:00 / 15:00 - 18:00
5€ per person - 3€ for students, minors and over 65 - 4€ for groups
Free admission for artists and residents
It is with great pleasure that the Club for UNESCO of Vicenza presents the catalog of the 2021 edition of Mirror – Face to face in this further special year due to what humanity is experiencing because of the pandemic.
However, our appointment with the universal language of art, which unites cultures and brings them together in their artistic expressions, cannot be missed!
In the sixth edition of Mirror – Face to face, Italian and Serbian artists confront each other, facing one another as in front of a mirror, in order to propose to the public their works of graphic art, which were created with themes, techniques and perspectives of variously modulated interpretation.
With this occasion of "artistic dialogue" the sense of brotherhood and union between cultures is renewed, and this represents one of the fundamental pillars of the UNESCO principles.
In this sense, the Club for UNESCO is constantly committed to ensuring that the culture of respect, equality of peoples and human rights spread in the conscience of citizens through the channels of education, culture and collaboration between nations.
The Mirror – Face to face exhibition is, in fact, fully part of the initiatives advocated by the 2005 UNESCO Convention on the Diversity of Cultural Expressions, which is considered a heritage of humanity and a precondition for peace and social harmony, for the benefit of all.
Francesca Bressan
President of Club for UNESCO Vicenza
VERNISSAGE RESERVATION: +39 345 9302084 Proloco Caldogno
INFO: + 39 04441871902 Qu.Bi Gallery
20th July - 10th August 2021
Galerija savremene likovne umetnosti Niš Kej Kola srpskih sestara 1/II Niš, Republic of Serbia